Portland Marathon Race Pace
Race Pace Prediction, Portland Marathon, RunWorks, VDOT, McMillan, Running For Fitness, Hill Runner
It's time to decide a goal race time / pace for the Portland Marathon. If you have read this blog before you will know that my goals usually go beyond finishing. That said, a marathon is a long race so somewhere on the goal spectrum is finishing, hopefully without walking... or using a bathroom (my UC can make this a challenge).
. . .UC / SCD update
Figures showing my health while following the SCD diet
If you have read this blog you probably know that I track my bowel movements (BMs) because they indicate my current UC severity. In this post I will review the figures I derive from this data. I created all the figures in the first week of July. The fact that it is now August (!) and I am just finishing this post is indicative of how busy I . . .
Cherry Blossom 10 Miler Results
Washington D.C., SCD, Portland Marathon
I arrived in D.C. two nights before the 2015 Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 Miler. I figured I would need at least a couple of nights to get over the jet lag from switching coasts. I don't know if it was the direct flight to D.C., the good blood circulation in my legs due to a pair of compression socks, or the good company when I arrived, . . .
8k results and 10 mile preview
Running, Shamrock 8k, training, Cherry Blossom 10 Miler
Over the past 12 weeks I have been following a Pete Pfitzinger training plan for a 10 mile race. In one week I will finish the plan and race in the Cherry Blossom 10 mile race in Washington, D.C.
At the beginning of the training schedule I competed in a half marathon which I discussed in a previous post. The race went very well and . . .
Updated BM figures
This post will talk about poo and health
I have had a busy start to Spring. Work got busy with added responsibilities and running has intensified with a race on the horizon. My sleep quantity is down and my stress level is up making a ulcerative colitis (UC) flare more likely.
Luckily I have not noticed the onset of a flare. As you may know, I keep a detailed record of my . . .
The cost of the SCD diet
Specific carbohydrate diet
Now that I am approaching three months on the SCD diet, I thought it would be a good time to figure out how much it is costing me. I have already detailed the astronomical costs of Ulcerative Colitis medication. I am confident that my food will not approach those figures. However, food costs come out of my pocket and are not supplemented by . . .
I have added the ability for readers to add comments to all my previous and future posts. Sorry this was not available until now. I would love to hear your feedback.